Surrey Libraries New Facilities Masterplan

studioHuB architects worked with Surrey Public Libraries on a new Facilities Master Plan. The plan uses an evidence-based approach to guide the basis of capital investments in a sustainable and fiscally responsible manner. The first phase consisted of detailed data analysis, including: population growth and demographics, library data on visitors, comparisons with other urban libraries within Canada, and a review of VFA reports and site visits to all 10 branches.

Both staff and public surveys were conducted, asking staff and the community (over 1400 responses) on their thoughts about their existing libraries, as well as ideas for new spaces and alternative models of service delivery. At the same time, our team looked at worldwide trends, as well as several case studies of recent new libraries around the world that would be applicable to the SPL situation. A series of (virtual) stakeholder meetings was conducted with library staff, library board, senior city management, and finally with mayor and council. Completed June 2021.


BC SPCA Technical Guidelines


VSB Catchment Review